Photographic Archive
The photographic archive of the Epigraphic Museum comprises the following collections:
- The archive of analog B /W negatives and photos as well as slides of the ancient inscriptions. Most of the photos were taken by photographer Vassilis Stamatopoulos. It also includes photographic documentation of conservation work on the inscribed monuments from the 1990s onwards.
- The digitization in JPG and TIFF files of high resolution of the analog photographs of inscriptions, a project that started in 2012 (archaeologists in charge Ath. Themos and El. Zavvou). The project was completed with the contribution of the students Zambela Chroni, Vasso Delimbassi, Spyros Markatis, Vasiliki Chrysikou, Irini Kazantzou, Aristotelis Karavas, Thalia Zerphou and Dimitra Patrineli of the Department of Photography and Audiovisual Media of the Technological Educational Institution of Athens (Professor in charge George Machias)
- New digital photos of inscriptions by the photographers Vassilis Georgiadis, Nikos Vourliotis, Panagiotis Kefis, Zambela Chroni, Vasso Delimbassi, Spyros Markatis, Vasilikis Chrysikou, Irini Kazantzou, Aristotelis Karavas, Thalia Zerphou and Dimitra Patrineli.

Photographing and filming permissions
Photography and filming for personal, non commercial use is permitted in all exhibition areas of the Museum according to the terms of the Decision of the Minister of Culture and Sports no. ΥΠΠΟΑ/ΓΔΑΠΚ/ΔΙΠΚΑ/ΤΠΚΑΧΜΑΕ/356481 /254593/7509/2927/02-07-2019 (Government Gazette 2812/B/04-07-2019).
The publication of the material in print or electronic media is not allowed. The use of flash or additional professional equipment (lighting kit and tripod) is also not allowed.
Photographs and/or video for commercial use in any part of the Museum requires a special permit and the payment of fees to the Archaeological Resources Fund according to the Government Gazette 3046/B/30-12-2011.
Government Gazette
Related Files (links)
- Supporting documents for permission to photograph and use pictures of archaeological content in electronic publications (e-books)
- Instructions for permission to film-video record in museums, monuments and archaeological sites
- Application form for permission to film-video record in museums, monuments and archaeological sites (doc file)
- Application form for permission to film-video record in museums, monuments and archaeological sites (pdf file)
- Application form for permission to photograph in museums, monuments and archaeological sites (doc file)
- Application form for permission to photograph in museums, monuments and archaeological sites (pdf file)
- Application form for permission to use images of archaeological content in electronic publications (e-books) (doc file)
- Application form for permission to use images of archaeological content in electronic publications (e-books) (pdf file)